Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Alien Creature Sculpt

This is a sculpt I built a couple semesters ago. Although you can't see many details here, there are some detail shots I could post sometime.


DavidArt said...

Holy crap, I forgot how cool this thing was. Nice Job. Did you say you had a 3D model of it now? Im glad you finally posted something, you horrific procrastinator. I wanna see some stuff from that scene class too. I think there is also a way to put your animation videos on here as well, ill ask Terry. Oh ya and you should link me. You heard me, do it. Muahahahahhahaha..... uh nice work.

Terry C. Wong said...

That thing is freakin' awesome. Do you plan on painting it at all? And to answer your question DAVE, you'd have to embed the video...you can't upload directly into blogspot. Anyways, great work Chris...hope to see more soon.

Maha said...

Holy crap indeed! I remember seeing you working on this but I didn't know you that well then. Really cool, nice to see some of your work!

John said...

Nice sculpt, dude. How long did that take ya?

Megan said...

Hello sir, plenty of beautiful artwork here I see. Just stopped by to say that I have a blog. And NICE VERTEBRAE!!!

Alice Marie said...

My computer didn't like your saber cat post. Go figure. (I, on the other hand, thought it was awesome. So now am I forced to comment here instead, under your awesome crazy sculpt.) Anyway, how did the R & H thing go? I haven't heard anything!

Christian Davis said...

This is the coolest sculpt ever. I'm going to name my first child after this sculpt.... wuts it called?